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Fork in the road sign with Y-shaped symbol

Fork in the Road Sign: Meaning, Rules

Warning Signs

Warns drivers of an upcoming fork where the road splits into two paths.

Detailed Description

What is a Fork in the Road Sign?

A fork in the road sign is a triangular warning sign with a black ‘Y’ symbol inside a red border. It alerts drivers that the road ahead will split into two separate paths, requiring a directional choice.

Rules for Navigating a Fork in the Road

  • Reduce speed and check mirrors.
  • Choose your lane early (left/right).
  • Follow road markings or signage for guidance.

Where Are Fork Signs Used?

  • On roads leading to major junctions where drivers must select between two paths
  • In areas where roads split unexpectedly
  • Before the division of a road into two distinct routes

Usage Examples

  • On roads leading to major junctions where drivers must select between two paths
  • In areas where roads split unexpectedly
  • Before the division of a road into two distinct routes

Key Points to Remember

  • Always obey this sign to ensure road safety.
  • Be aware of the specific actions required when encountering this sign.
  • Practice identifying and responding to this sign during your driving lessons.

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